Archive for metal gear

MGS4 DVD and Dualshock 3

Posted in Gaming with tags , , , , , on April 7, 2008 by Falryu


Today was a splendid day for me as I got word from a friend that the MGS4 dvd finally arrived at our local gamestops. I had heard from some other sources that the dvds were slowly arriving around the United States so it would only be a matter of time before it reached here on Puerto Rico. The dvd brings several videos about the background of each snake and how they developed along the series. It has been 20 years and it finally comes to an end forever. The videos weren’t the only thing it brought. Within the case also came a code to participate on the MGO beta which will begin gameplay at April 21. The download will be available since April 17 but the servers won’t go live til 21. Continue reading