Soul Chronicles : Tales of Dragoon Chapter 1

The dragon Yuki

I have been working recently on a text called Soul Chronicles. It is a fantasy story about warriors, wizards, dragons, and gods that takes place in a fantasy world created mostly by me. This written text is practice for me so I can engage in the great activity of writing. I am still just a newbie at writing but I hope that with time I am able to improve into a serious very good writer. Please take a look at my first chapter. Its really short and it starts with some great action.

Soul Chronicles takes place in the lands of Promise. On specific of all the lands the story brings us to the land of Murit. A warrior has just escaped the confinement of a guild that had treated him only as a weapon. The name of this warrior is Excel Calibur a man who wants nothing more but a life of adventure. But he is no ordinary warrior. He is a dragoon. Excel is bonded by a blood contract to a dragon of ice. Dragons are nearly a extinct race. The dragon of ice accompanies Excel on his journey altering the form to one of a beautiful lady facing danger everywhere they go. A ancient prophecy promises to sweep the land and cast it into oblivion and only one man can stop it but not alone. A journey begins. The chronicles of this man’s soul.

This series is planned to span over three titles which will slowly appear on this blog. I hope that with each title I can improve and build my characters as my drawing and writing skill improves. As you can see I am also a artist in training. A beginner one as well but one that will not give up until he reaches his goal. My dream is to become a creator of fantasy stories and take them over various formats. The best ambition? A videogame.

Without further wait here I give you the first short chapter of Soul Chronicles. I know its short but…My hands hurt!

Soul Chronicles : Tales of Dragoon C1

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